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Increase the attractiveness of your practice with the KineQuantum virtual reality therapy tool

Did you know ? 77% of patients choose their practice based on recommendations and 23% on the Internet *. How do you stand out? Modernize your practice with KineQuantum.

Plus de patients avec la rééducation en réalité virtuelle KineQuantum


your patient

Perform exercises impossible to do in the office without ultra-specialized equipment, also re-educate patients with grip problems by replacing the levers with bracelets and perform quick check-ups.

Attirez de nouveaux collaborateurs avec la vr thérapeutique KineQuantum

Attract new collaborators

With KineQuantum, you equip yourself with a medical device at the cutting edge of technology, allowing your employees to save time and in working comfort.  

Montrer efficacité rééducation avec téhrapie en réalité virtuelle KineQuantum

Show efficiency

of your work

With KineQuantum you can closely follow the progress of your patients: evolution of scores, number of movements, variation of balance indicators, ... Export these data in 1 click to send them to the rest of the medical profession. Find out more

Patients aiment thérapie en réalité virtuelle KineQuantum

Capitalize on the

word of mouth from patients

Did you know that 35% of patients choose their physiotherapist on the advice of a loved one *? With KineQuantum, your patients are motivated and talk about it around them!

*   Inquiry What To Choose.​

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