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Save time with

therapeutic virtual reality

61% of physiotherapists say they feel threatened by burnout *.

With the KineQuantum virtual reality treatment device, your patients are autonomous in their rehabilitation.

enregistrez vos protocoles avec la réalité virtuelle thérapeutique KineQuantum.png


and reuse

your protocols

You do not need to choose your parameters for each session, you can use your pre-recorded protocols.

Bilan BDK kiné réalité virtuelle thérapeutique KineQuantum


rapid automated reviews

Perform assessments in less than 20 minutes in the following areas: cervical, spine, upper limb, balance and neurology. The exercises are linked automatically for your patient and you just have to consult the results.

Find out more

Programmez enchainement exercices vr thérapeutique KineQuantum

Program the sequence of exercises

Your patient works the exercises that you have chosen for him in one session. He is guided throughout the session. Find out more

Patients autonomes rééducation en réalité virtuelle KineQuantum


your patients

more autonomous

Your patient corrects himself in his exercises thanks to visual, auditory and haptic feedback and the advanced motion detection system.




*   Inquiry What To Choose.​

** Satisfaction survey conducted among physiotherapists equipped with KineQuantum in October 2020.

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